Credit card repayment means that several credit cards repay each other back and forth, which is often said to be supported by loans. You use up the limit on one credit card and use money from another credit card to pay it off. A long-term card reversal can generally last for 6 months, because the card-issuing bank often asks the cardholder about their usage, so it rarely lasts for more than 6 months.
If you want to exchange cards, just remember the repayment date of each card. Before the repayment date, you can use one of them to transfer the amount to repay other cards. After paying off one card before paying off another card, the operation must be completed before the repayment date. First choose a card with a close repayment date to repay.
For example, I have three credit cards from Guangda Bank, China Construction Bank and Guangfa. The repayment dates are the 14th, 18th and 23rd respectively. Today is the 14th. Since Everbright's repayment date is approaching, we should start by paying back Everbright, pour out the amounts from other cards and pay back, and then pay back Jianshe and Guangfa in sequence. Just make the repayments as per each card's bill.
It should be noted that during the operation, try not to clear every card, and try to keep a quota of more than 20. One card should have to be swiped out multiple times before returning other cards. The amount of each card swipe shall not exceed 50% of the total amount to avoid risk control.
Card friends can effectively extend the repayment period of their credit cards by doing this. However, the money after overdraft must be paid back, so you must consume rationally and try to control it within your repayment ability.