Nanjing Lukou International Airport service hotline was upgraded to 025-96066. At present, citizens can call the service hotline to inquire about flight information, flight services, security precautions, ticketing information, freight information, passenger buses, public security services and so on. After the number is upgraded, the service hotline will be opened 24 hours a day and support bilingual services.
Nanjing Airport Service Phone:
T2 Lost and Found Office: 025-6982 1330.
T 1 lost and found tel: 025-69822777.
T 1 luggage storage: 025-69822772.
T2 luggage storage: 025-69820507.
Airport police: 025-6982035 1.
Delivery: 025-69820566.
Baggage enquiry: 025-69820462.
Airport parking lot: 025-69820 167.
Airport bus: 025-69820058.
Nanjing Lukou Airport: 025-96066.