The down payment for a car can be paid with a credit card. There are clear regulations on car loan down payments, that is, you cannot use consumer loans or overdraft credit cards to raise the down payment, but you can use credit cards to pay for the down payment, which is allowed by the bank. When users apply for a car loan, they can apply directly to the bank, and then repay according to the bill after approval.
If the user's qualifications and credit status are average, you can also consider manufacturer finance or other private lending institutions. There are also opportunities, but the interest and borrowing costs are higher.
How many years can a car loan be taken for at most?
5 years. If the vehicle purchased with a loan is for personal use, the loan term shall not exceed five years. If the vehicle purchased with a loan is a commercial vehicle, the loan term cannot exceed 3 years. There are three forms of car loans, one is a bank personal car consumption loan, the other is a credit card installment payment, and the other is a car consumption company loan.