If you spend 3,000 on a credit card and repay 5,000, it means you overpaid. There is no interest on the overpayment of Ping An Credit Card, and fees will be charged for getting it back. It is recommended that you directly swipe your card to offset the overpayment. If you need to get back the excess amount, you can log in to Ping An Pocket Bank APP-Credit Card-More-Card Management-Overflow To make a payment, follow the instructions on the page to get it back.
If you have any questions, you can click the link below and select the online customer service icon - credit card in the upper right corner of the homepage or follow the Ping An Bank Credit Card WeChat public account (paxyk95511) for consultation.
Response time: 2020-09-18. For the latest business changes, please refer to the official website of Ping An Bank.
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