Friends who have used credit cards know that generally credit cards have points, and points have a wide range of uses. They can not only be used to redeem gifts or benefits in the credit card point mall, but also for some special credit card products. Can be used to redeem airline miles or other offers. So, if you have an Industrial Bank credit card, do you want to know how many points you have?
How to check the points of an Industrial Bank credit card?
1 Cardholders can use the latest mobile phone registered with Industrial Bank number, write the text message 0xxxx, where xxx is the last four digits of the credit card number; send it to 95561.
2 The Industrial Bank Credit Card Center will print the cardholder’s points balance and changes on each issue’s credit card statement. Cardholders can check the accumulated points status of their account through the statement.
3 Cardholders can call Industrial Bank’s 24-hour customer service hotline 95561, press 1 [Credit Card Business], then press 5 [Points Inquiry], and follow the voice prompts to check the current points.
4 Log in to Industrial Bank Online ( and check the Industrial Bank credit card points status through online banking.
The above is how to check the points of Industrial Bank credit card, but the inquiry is limited to the principal cardholder himself.