1. Notify the bank in advance if you no longer want to use the card. If you do not decide to use your China Merchants Bank credit card, it is best to tell the bank in advance and ask the bank not to send you a card again. The bank will verify whether there is any outstanding balance on your card, and if not, it will not send another card. Of course, if there is a balance on the card, the bank will ask you to pay back the money you owe after you apply for not using the card.
2. Update the shipping address in a timely manner. When applying for a credit card, the default shipping address is usually the work address. However, many people may change jobs after applying for a credit card, but do not change the shipping address. Then A new card after the credit card expires will still be sent to the previous address. It is best to change the card collection address to your home address on the official credit card website one month before the card expires. This is the safest way.
3. Time to receive a new card when replacing a card when it expires. As mentioned earlier, banks will usually send you a card one month before the card is valid, but they will not notify you. You'd better do it yourself before the expiration date. A month in advance, ask the bank when the card will be sent, and then calculate the card collection time based on the validity period. If the bank tells you that the card has been sent, you will usually receive a new card within two weeks at most. If you do not receive it after this time, remember to call the bank again. If the card is lost, ask the bank to send a replacement immediately. A new card is coming, but the card number may change.