the billing date is the date when all the consumption in the current period finally generates the bill, and the repayment date is the date when you must repay the current arrears. According to these two dates, the interest-free repayment period of credit card cycle can be determined, the shortest is 21 days and the longest is more than 5 days.
for example, if the billing date is the 2th of each month and the repayment date is the 1th of each month, then the consumption on the 21st of each month will get the longest interest-free period, while the consumption on the 19th will get the shortest interest-free period. All consumption before 2th must be repaid before 1th of next month, otherwise overdraft interest will be generated, and if the minimum repayment amount, i.e. 1% of the current bill amount, is not repaid, there will be a late payment fee.
full repayment will not charge any interest, but if it is not in full, the overdraft interest of the credit card will be very high, and the daily interest rate is five ten thousandths, which is equivalent to the annual interest rate of 18%.