Province Bai is an internet financial product that can discount credit card interest. Online application scenarios are mainly aimed at users who need to pay credit card bills in installments. Faced with chopped credit card bills, if you don't plan to pay in full, you have three choices: minimum payment, installment payment, or tragic overdue. The former two need to pay high interest, while the latter is seriously dishonest. What the province does is to help you pay your credit card bill and let you pay it back. The interest saved is 30% of the installment interest of the credit card bill! The Bank is mainly engaged in balance compensation business. The money borrowed from the bank can help you pay back your credit card. When the credit card bill is due, the bank will generally provide two repayment methods: "bill installment" and "minimum repayment amount" to cushion your repayment pressure, but you have to pay a high interest of 18.25% (annualized). Province is the third repayment method of credit card besides "bill installment" and "minimum repayment amount". With the change of consumption habits, such domestic products are slowly emerging, but province did it earlier in this industry.
Product advantage
Low-interest loans: to meet the diversified needs of users and provide services such as cash advances and credit loans;
Intelligent management card: the user's credit card administrator can quickly manage and use all kinds of credit cards;
Online card handling: cooperate with many banks to handle credit cards quickly and provide users with one-stop service;
Optimize insurance: match the needs of users and intelligently optimize insurance products for users.
Product characteristics
The application for mobile phone express delivery is automatically reviewed by the system, and the registration application is operated across the board, with a maximum amount of 60,000 yuan.
1. Download the provincial app in the Android and IOS app stores, and complete the registration with the user's real name authentication and mobile phone number.
2. Quota application: Complete identity authentication, contact authentication and bank card authentication according to the steps prompted by app.
3. Quota approval: According to the credit status of users, the corresponding quota can be obtained through provincial approval (the quota range is 1000-60000 yuan).
4. Loan application: After obtaining the quota, click "I want to borrow money" to submit the loan application.
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