It is legal for banks to visit you after your credit card is overdue. Debtors need to pay attention and try their best to cooperate with the bank, but they should not be too nervous, let alone avoid or ignore it. The bank's procedures for overseas visits have detailed regulations, and exceeding these regulations is illegal. Understanding the bank's top-level processes can also help debtors handle their debts. 1. Departure: The collection staff will not come to the door alone. Usually there will be two out-of-town visitors at each doorstep, bringing the debtor's credit card debt collection information, letter of introduction, voice recorder, and camera. 2. Notification: The bank will call the cardholder to explain the visit time. The person in charge will record the arrival time and notify the out-of-town visitors at any time about the specific location and visit time. 3. Taking pictures and recording: The foreign interviewer takes pictures and records of the surrounding environment of the target address and records the whole process. 4. Visit: If the cardholder is discovered during the visit, the foreign visitor will immediately identify himself and indicate the purpose, check the customer's mobile phone, home phone number and contact address, and ask the customer to sign a reminder or a lawyer's letter. If the debtor is not present and relatives or family members are present, the external interviewer will inquire in detail about the relationship between the related party and the debtor, understand the debtor's economic status and current situation, require the related party to convey repayment information and require compensation from the related party as appropriate, and finally request Related parties sign reminder notes or lawyer's letters on their behalf. If there is no one at home, the foreign interviewer will first call the cardholder's home phone number, pay attention to whether there is a ringing phone inside the door, and then call the debtor's mobile phone to check the home address. At the same time, experienced out-of-town visitors will visit and investigate around the debtor's residence, looking for the cardholder's neighbors, property owners, neighborhood committees, village committees, police officers, security guards, etc. Collect cardholder related information. If the cardholder has a fixed private mailbox, the foreign interviewer will put the legal notice in an envelope with the words "Please do not open it unless it is my own" and put it in the borrower's mailbox.