When you use a credit card, you don't need the cardholder to pay the handling fee, and the cardholder only needs to pay the cost of the goods; Generally, merchants bear this handling fee.
the handling fee for Taobao credit card payment is 1%, which means that if you pay for goods with 1 yuan by credit card, you need to deduct the handling fee of 1 yuan. Of course, the handling fee for payment is borne by the merchant.
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Credit card deduction principle:
If the seller has opened the credit card payment service, there is no difference between the buyer's choice of credit card payment and savings card payment. When the buyer confirms the receipt, Taobao system will automatically deduct the seller's 1% formalities.
if the seller does not open the credit card payment service, then when the buyer uses the credit card to shop, the 1% handling fee will be borne by the buyer.