Car loan card? Generally, car loan cards are used to repay car loans and cannot be used for overdraft consumption. After your car loan is paid back, it is your credit card after all. The loan company has no right to take back the credit card, but unless you are going to buy another car, you may not want to keep this card for yourself. If you don't want to stay, you can call 95588 to cancel the card.
Is it risky for the company to use my ID card to apply for ICBC credit card loan?
There are risks.
Your credit card represents your personal credit, which can be used by enterprises, but you must repay on time and cancel your account when you leave.
If the enterprise fails to repay the loan on time, it will first affect your personal credit information. If you owe money, you need to pay it back by yourself.
My credit card was stolen by the company that helped me apply for a bank loan, and I didn't repay it in time, which caused my bad credit.
The minimum repayment amount is a signal that you can't repay the credit card, because after the minimum repayment amount, the rest will be calculated at the interest rate of five ten thousandths per day. Generally, those who have the ability to repay credit cards will not only pay the minimum repayment amount, so even if your credit history is fine, your repayment ability is seriously problematic for banks, and banks will not issue you credit cards if there is a problem.
According to this situation, it is useless for you to find the big four, and it is no longer possible to apply for a card for ordinary work certificates. The solution is to use the credit card normally, repay when due, cultivate your own credit record, and apply for a card by proving your spending power and repayment ability (in short, you can provide enough proof of assets or financial resources, that is, real estate license, driving license, bank running water, etc. ), or change to a good unit, you can get a credit card.
The car loan gave me a credit card without knowing it. Is it illegal to swipe my card and give me a loan?
Well, you can sue him, because it is definitely illegal to apply for a credit card without your permission.
Borrowing money from vehicle mortgage loan became my credit card overdraft installment car loan. I didn't know how to sign the contract at that time, so does he have the right to mortgage my car?
If the car was originally yours and the car loan company mortgaged you to get a credit card, then it must be that the car loan company provided false transaction information to the bank. The purpose of car loan companies is to earn fees, mortgage fees and so on. However, this is suspected of illegal operation. As long as you provide the vehicle registration certificate and invoice before handling the credit card, you can lend money to the car company for illegal operation.
Hello. I want to ask, did I borrow money from a loan company with a CCB credit card? My letter
What do I need to borrow from other companies if I have a CCB credit card? You can borrow it yourself! know nothing at all
I can teach you.