For students majoring in accounting, many people will take the CPA exam because it is a very valuable exam. Passing this exam can bring us more job opportunities. Therefore, after graduating from college or while studying for graduate school, many people will work hard to pass the Chinese Certified Public Accountant Examination (CPA). Next, let me talk about my changes after taking the CPA exam. 01. After taking the exam, I formed good habits and became more self-disciplined.
I was originally a very unconscious person. Between studying and playing, I often chose the latter. I was very playful. But since preparing for this exam, my daily life has been clearly planned, and what I need to complete every day has been clearly written in my notebook. We all know that the CPA exam is a highly valuable exam. It will bring us a lot of benefits after passing the exam, so naturally it is also very difficult. This exam is divided into a professional stage and a comprehensive stage. There are six exams in the professional stage. Each subject is very difficult, especially the two subjects of accounting and financial management. When I first started doing the questions, I always collapsed.
It is precisely because of this long preparation period that I have developed good study habits. I seem to be less playful and more self-disciplined. Because I am a very strong person and I hope to do everything well, so even if I am playful, I still hold back in front of study! I persisted in completing each study task, and as the days passed day by day, something magical happened. Even if no one reminded me that it was time to study, I knew what to do at each time period, because a kind of persistence in learning was formed. Habit!
I am really grateful for that time. It was during that time that I made myself better. Although it was very hard and super tiring, the result was very good. When I look back at the time I spent preparing for the exam, I even feel that it was great because I worked hard to achieve my goals! The journey of life is very long, and we must not stand still. Working hard and making progress is what young people should do! 02. I am more confident.
Because CPA is a difficult exam, it not only tests whether we have good enough professional abilities, but also tests whether you can persevere. For ordinary people, everyone's IQ is about the same, so why do some people pass the test and some never fail?
The first is about study habits. If you give up midway, you will definitely fail the exam in the end; the second is about efficient learning methods. This lies in making study plans. If you plan well and follow the steps, you will naturally be efficient. . When I knew that I had passed the exam, I was really happy. It felt like my hard work was rewarded. I was very satisfied and had a sense of accomplishment. I even became more confident. 03. In the eyes of the teacher, I have become a better student.
I am a graduate student taking the entrance examination. When I passed every subject, my supervisor was extremely happy. Because not everyone can pass this kind of exam, because of my efforts, the teacher felt proud. Therefore, you must work hard at the age when you should strive!