Hello, China Merchants Bank’s all-currency international credit card
1) All-currency international credit cards can automatically purchase foreign exchange and repay in RMB
2) None within the validity period Additional conditions include no annual credit card fee
3) Any foreign currency consumption around the world, 0 currency exchange fees
Warm reminder:
* This card has automatic purchases enabled by default The remittance function cannot be canceled. Foreign currency consumption is recorded in RMB for repayment, and foreign currency repayment is not supported.
* This card cannot be used on UnionPay lines or on machines not partnered with China Merchants Bank. If you need to make transactions through the above channels, it is recommended that you apply for other credit card products of China Merchants Bank.
* International credit cards in all currencies do not currently support repayment through UnionPay channels (including transfers from other banks, bank transfers, Xinpay Lakala, etc.). 1. If you have multiple China Merchants Bank credit cards under your name, then When you repay, you can repay it to a credit card with the UnionPay logo through any repayment channel, because the bill for the full-currency card is also issued together;
2. If you only have The all-currency card currently supports our bank’s over-the-counter cash payment, over-the-counter transfer payment, automatic deduction, online banking public version, professional version payment, our bank’s CDM cash deposit, mobile life, mobile banking, Alipay, Tenpay, etc. payment method.
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