2. After receiving your evidence, the credit card center will verify whether your credit card has been stolen. If it is confirmed that the swiping behavior of the stolen credit card is not what the cardholder claims, the bank will freeze your credit and issue you a new card, and will also handle the swiping incident.
3. When dealing with stolen brushes, banks will first check whether the stolen funds have been liquidated, and if not, they will intercept them immediately. If it has been settled, the bank will contact the acquiring bank, ask the acquiring bank to freeze the merchant's clearing transaction funds, obtain the POS signature, check the signature, and ask the issuing bank to contact the credit card merchant to provide transaction details and bills.
4. After obtaining the information, the anti-fraud personnel of the credit card risk control department will check and verify the stolen credit cards and historical transaction records of customers. If the stolen credit card is found to be genuine, the acquiring institution will be responsible for this fee and return the money from the stolen credit card to your account. At the same time, the acquiring institution will freeze the merchants who illegally record cards.
First, keep the correct swipe posture.
First of all, we must carefully set the password for payment by silver card. Don't use simple numbers, ID numbers, birthdays, telephone numbers, etc. as passwords to prevent them from being deciphered by criminals. Secondly, when spending by credit card, you should be "eye-catching" to ensure that the card is within your sight. When entering the password, you should shield the operation to prevent criminals from peeping. For the purchase order and card returned by the cashier, carefully check whether the amount on the purchase order is correct and whether the card is the original card; Don't discard the purchase order at will. If it needs to be discarded, please pay attention to destroying important paper information. Develop the habit of regular reconciliation, set the card transaction limit appropriately according to the actual needs of daily consumption, and store and use large-sum funds cards and daily consumption cards in different categories.
Second, beware of SMS fraud.
Many criminals use pseudo base stations to fake the official customer service numbers of banks and telecom operators to send text messages or make phone calls to cardholders, to trick cardholders into calling the phone number specified in the fake text messages or clicking the pop-up links, and then to trick cardholders into transferring money. Please don't click on the pop-up links on web pages and short messages easily. Even the commonly used service numbers or friend numbers should be filtered.
Third, the number and SMS verification code on the back of the card cannot be leaked.
Important payment information of a credit card, such as card number, expiration date, digital verification code on the back of the card, mobile phone verification code and other information, should not be told to others, especially the digital verification code on the back of the card. No bank staff will ask the cardholder for the SMS verification code. If someone asks for it, it can be judged as fraud, please call the police immediately. In case of suspected pseudo base station sending false fraudulent SMS, please call the police or bank customer service in time and help provide clues such as the time and place of receiving SMS.