Which credit card to pay off first is overdue? If you have multiple overdue credit cards, be sure not to spread them equally. Many cardholders think that paying off points from every bank can show their willingness to repay. However, this has little effect and will only make the overdue interest accrue. The bigger you get, the harder it is to repay it, so it’s best to pay it off bank by bank. As for paying off the larger amount first or the smaller amount first, it is recommended to calculate the overdue fees for small and large amounts as well as the daily interest. If you don’t know how to calculate it, you can directly call the bank’s credit card customer service for consultation, and the customer service will calculate the overdue fees. The expenses are calculated. In contrast, it is recommended to pool money to pay off small arrears. Small arrears are small, and the overdue fees incurred will be relatively low. Paying off one by one is better than having arrears in every bank. However, you also need to pay attention to the order in which repayments are entered into your account. Generally, if you repay a debt within 90 days, the interest will be deducted first and then the principal. If the debt is repaid for more than 90 days, the principal will be repaid first and then the interest. As for those with large debts, if you are really unable to repay, you can try to negotiate with the bank to restructure the debt and avoid interest spiraling by suspending interest payments. The important thing is that you can repay in up to 60 installments, which reduces the pressure of repayment. It will be much lessened, and the success rate is higher than the suspension of small debts. The above is the relevant introduction to "Which credit card to pay off first when multiple credit cards are overdue?" I hope it will be helpful to everyone.