Getting cash back by swiping your credit card is the most popular thing for every cardholder. However, as we know, the cash back does not arrive immediately after swiping the card. This leads to a phenomenon that by the time it arrives, it has already been transferred to your account. The credit card repayment period has passed. In addition, after your credit card consumption limit is fully paid off, this cash rebate becomes an overpayment. So, how can you withdraw this money from your credit card without spending a penny? In fact, this method is very simple, and many friends already know it. This is actually the same as cracking the WeChat withdrawal charges that started on March 1, and they are all operated by using overpayment. Of course, the prerequisite is that you have to find a bank that offers free withdrawals for overpayments. As far as we know, there are actually many such banks, such as Bank of China, China Merchants Bank, etc. The following will focus on introducing the wrong process of Bank of China. , the overpayment of the Bank of China Global Connect credit card can be withdrawn to a local debit card for free through online banking, or through a local ATM of the Bank, and the repayment will be credited to the account in 30 minutes. Here we introduce the former, because it can be operated directly on the mobile phone. The specific process is as follows: 1. Open the Bank of China client on the mobile phone, enter the credit card account number and password with the premium payment, and log in; 2. After logging in, select Transfer and transfer in The account is your debit card, enter the transfer amount; 3. Follow the upgrade and transfer money through mobile banking as before. After the operation is completed, you can check the balance to see if you really didn't spend a penny. Such a simple method will definitely not be a problem for our smart friends.
Appendix - List of banks with free withdrawals of premiums: ICBC: Overseas payments can be withdrawn to local debit cards for free through online banking, or through local ATMs of the bank for free, and the repayment will arrive in your account in 30 minutes Guangfa: Overseas Payments can be withdrawn for free at the domestic ATMs of our bank/other banks. Before 11 o'clock every day, the payment will be credited to Pudong Development Bank on the same day of repayment: Overpayment can be withdrawn for free at domestic Shanghai Pudong Development Bank ATMs, and the repayment will be credited to the account in real time. Minsheng: Overpayment Free cash withdrawals can be made at domestic Minsheng ATMs, and repayments will be credited to the account in real time. China Construction Bank: Overpayments can be withdrawn for free through local ATMs of the Bank. Before 11 o'clock every day, the repayments will be credited to the account on the same day. CITIC: Overpayments can be transferred to for free over the phone. With our debit card, repayments will be credited to your account in real time