Computer hackers in today's world are becoming smarter and smarter. In today's world, computer hackers are becoming more and more intelligent. They realize that people are developing more anti-hacking systems. They realize that it is impossible to hack into the system by developing more people. This brings more challenges to hackers and more fun to them. This provides hackers with greater challenges. Bring them more fun. The government is aware of this and needs to enact stricter laws to crack down on hackers. The government is aware of this demand. And make stricter laws to scare hackers. With the increase of hacker behavior and hacker information, the government's supervision of cyberspace has not given up the fact that it is almost impossible to bring hackers to justice. With hackers, the fact that hackers intelligence the government supervises the network has not been cancelled. It is almost impossible to bring hackers to justice. Kevin Mitnick, a hacker who was not severely punished when he was caught, can anyone reduce his punishment for hacking crimes to a few months? Kevin Minika and the hacker were arrested before they were severely punished. He is a little low. A few months' probation to punish him for hacking. When Kevin was seven years old, he was arrested for breaking into a call center in Los Angeles. Kevin 17 was arrested in Los Angeles. He was tried and sentenced to stay in the juvenile reconnaissance center for three months and accept reconnaissance for one year. He was tried and sentenced to three months in detention. The boy has been taken care of for a year. Kevin is a very clever man. Kevin is a very clever man. He can make good use of his computer skills by stopping other hackers. He can use his computer skills to stop other hackers. No, so he faced the law many times. He didn't, so he faced the law many times. During all this time, he never spent more than one year in prison (Shimomura 1). During all this time, he never spent more than one year in prison (Goya 1). Kevin is also a doctor; A telephone fanatic. Kevin is also a phone freak in phreak. He studied the telephone system. He studies the telephone system. Ha ha.
I will soon know how to make a free call with a pay phone and how to crash the system. Once you know how to make and destroy the toll-free telephone system, Kevin Mitnick has not been severely punished. Crimes, which are very numerous (Shimomura 1). Kevin Minika still failed to punish these crimes severely. This is very much (Goya 1). Another major participant in the hacking industry is an unidentified person whose pseudonym or nickname is "vegetable". Another main character is an unknown hacker, determine his alias or flower name and vegetables] 126. His hacker organization, the Dead Cow Cult (CDC), is one of the oldest hacker organizations still in operation. He is a dead cow of hackers and cults (parliament). He is the leader and founder of the (dead cow cult). He is the founder and * * * (the dead cow of a cult). The dead cow cult is the leading group in the hacker world; Another leader who enjoys it. The cult's dead cow is the leading group in the hacker world; Another interesting leader, how to deal with them. (vegetables 1). (vegetables 1). They are a group of notorious hackers and have some problems; One of them is drugs. They are notorious hackers and have 77 couples' problems; One of them is drugs. At a meeting held by CDC for "some of the most notorious hackers from all over the world" (vegetable 1), a member of CDC said that "drugs and hackers are inseparable" (QTd in vegetable 3). At a congress held in Parliament, "some of the most notorious hackers come from all over the world" (Vegetable 1) said that the American disease "drugs and hackers go hand in hand" (QTd Vegetable No.3). Dice Pejlert said, "Taking drugs is like invading your brain" (QTd in Pejlert 3). ] 126 Vegetables said: "Taking drugs is like hacking into your brain" (QTD Vegetables 3). That's what hackers do. They take pleasure in black, and the darker it is, the more fun it is. That's it, hackers, hackers have fun, and the more they cut, the more fun they have. "If a hacker takes away an electrochemical computing device and modifies it to enhance his ability, taking XTC (a drug) is the same for your body." If a hacker takes away an electrochemical computing device and modifies it to improve himself, so does ecstasy (a drug).
Brain. Brain. At least that's rationalization "(vegetable 3). Hacking is just another way to get adrenaline in the body. Hackers will feel the excitement and fear brought by rebellious behavior. Their adrenaline secretion is exuberant and they feel very good. Hackers also get a lot of property from hacking. One thing they acquired was knowledge. Not only the knowledge of how to invade, but also the knowledge of the system they invaded and the knowledge that people take different security precautions to prevent hackers from invading. Hackers must understand a large number of different systems if they want to invade them. Hackers will be familiar with different programs. They will also attend meetings to learn new technologies and new ways to access the system without much work (Sterling 73). A hacker can get anything he/she wants by hacking into other computers. They can download or copy to their computers, applications, games and many different kinds of powerful computer programs. They can make credit card numbers. They can also dial the calling card number. If a hacker dials into the computer of the telephone company and invades them, they can at least rationalize it. Hacking is another way to let adrenaline accumulate in the body. Hackers will get a lighter and colder rebellious behavior. Then everyone thinks adrenaline is really good (4). Hackers also won many relics from hackers. They got the same knowledge. It's not just how to hack knowledge, but how to hack their knowledge system and knowledge to different people to do security precautions and ensure hackers. There are a lot of different systems, and hackers already know how to break into them. Hackers will read different programs. They will also attend meetings to learn new technologies and methods. A hacker can get anything he/she wants from the hacker to other computers. They can download or copy it to their own computers, applications, game programs and various powerful computers. They can make credit card numbers. At the same time, they can also call the card number If hackers dial in the phone, get into the company's computer and insist, they can come and wreak havoc.
On the telephone system. About the telephone system. The phone number can be changed. The phone number can be changed. Phone type whose phone number has been changed; In other words, ordinary residential phones can be turned into pay phones. A telephone, the telephone number can also be changed; That is, ordinary floor telephones can be changed into public telephones. When a person tries to set aside money, they will receive a request for money. When a person tries to make a phone call, ask him for money. Hacking into the telephone company (74) can cause many things. Many things happen and hackers become telephone companies (74). Being a rebel and knowing what you have done wrong is exactly what hackers do. As a rebel, do something that you know is wrong. Being a hacker is such a thing. It is very intentional to do something completely against the law and know that doing so will bring about a surge in adrenaline. In the face of adrenaline rush, it is completely illegal. It's sharp to do this on purpose. Hackers enjoy this feeling and are joined. Hackers enjoy this feeling. Addicted. When hackers do this, they will have a great feeling, which is why they are added. This is a great feeling. When they get such hackers, that's why they are addicted (vegetative 4). Hackers must escape the law. Hackers circumvent the law. What they did was very illegal. What he did was very illegal. The US government passed the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act in 1986. The U.S. government passed
Hacking industry. There is a good side to the law, but hackers don't think so (190). This is addition. But I don't see such a hacker (190). Hackers do have concerns because the government has passed laws, but not many. The consequence of hackers' regularity is that the government has passed. But not much. Most hackers are good at hiding their whereabouts and phone calls. Hackers are best at making up for backs, paths and mobile phones. If the hacker is right, he may face a long time in prison. If the hacker is caught, he can face long-term imprisonment. Unfortunately, this generally does not happen. Unfortunately, this usually doesn't happen. A hacker covered up his trail so well that there was not much evidence to convince them. The hacker covered up his track well, and there was no big evidence to convict him. So the hackers were sentenced to a little imprisonment and a little probation. Such a small guest gets off the bus and goes to jail, which has some influence. This system is unfair to those who want to catch hackers. This system is unfair. People want to catch up with hackers. Until someone develops an anti-hacking system, hackers will still use all their resources to invade the system (GBP 193). Until someone developed all the resources that could not be hacked into the system, hacked into the system (193 kg). Hackers have resources or tools to perform different tasks. Hackers have or resource tools, which are used for different tasks. Hacking tools will help hackers attack. A hacker's hacking tool, it has taken some heavy work for hackers. Some different tools used are: war dialer, [full color] box, and many different password cracking. Some different tools are: war dialing, [full color] boxes, biscuits and many different passwords. A war dialer is a program that will call a given list of numbers. And will record which of these numbers have modems, fax machines or any other computerized communication equipment connected to the line. The battle plan will be a list of dial-up phone numbers. These numbers will record modems, fax machines or other computer communication equipment. Each different box does different things. Every different box is different. The basic idea behind the box is to make an audible sound, switch telephone lines and reroute calls. The basic concept box makes the sound tone, and there is a password to crack every available password. Every publication has a crack code. The name is self-disclosure. But the password cracking program is a program that runs through everything. The name is self-evident, but cookies are a password and a program that runs through everything.
Combine letters until you find the correct password; Of course, make sure the password cracking is confidential. Combine until the correct password letter is found; Of course, suppose it is a mature password cookie. Every major hacker has his own fake name or nickname. Every time he (she) develops a hacker's alias or nickname. This is what they or another hacker came up with, but it reflects that they have done something important. It came up with a nickname or another transliteration. But the main manifestation is hard work. For example, the hacker "captain crunch" got its name because he got a whistle from a box of "Captain Crunch" cereal for free, so he could divert long-distance calls. For example, the hacker's captain is tight, named after him, because he can reroute long-distance calls with a whistle to avoid a box of captain's tight grain. Hackers are incomplete (vegetative 2) Hackers also need to hide some tools they use. Hackers are not finished without nicknames (vegetables 2) Hackers need some tools. They hide in using tools, such as. Tools such as boxes of different colors. If a federal agent breaks into a hacker's house or apartment and finds a blue box. If this box is not available, hackers may be sent to prison or tested. If a hacker breaks into a federal agent's house or apartment and finds a blue box, the box knows it. Then the hacker can be sentenced to jail or suspended. Hackers hide all their tools in safe places and hope to put them in uncertain places. All hacking tools are hidden in a safe place. And hope that the number of United Nations personnel is really a quota. When the police or federal agents try to obtain evidence against them, they do so to save them (GBP 175). Even though the government has passed all the laws, hackers have not been stopped and brought to justice. They did this to protect themselves, because the police or federal agents tried to obtain evidence against them (175. Sterling), even if the government is not contained by hackers, it must be brought to justice. The more time the government spends looking for ways to stop hackers, the more time it gives hackers to improve their knowledge and skills in the field of hacking. At that time, the government took more measures to prevent hackers from giving hackers more time. Hackers increase their knowledge and skills. If the government doesn't do this, don't worry, they will be buried by hackers. When this happens, the world will no longer be an interesting place. If the government doesn't hurry, they will be buried by hackers, and then the world will not live happily.