First of all, regarding the limit, every credit card has an available limit. This available amount includes shopping, cash withdrawal, installment and other functions that you can use. When you choose to carry out credit card cash installment, you need to pay attention to the amount you have used and whether the remaining available amount is enough to support your current needs. If you have reached the maximum installment limit set by some banks or exceeded the overall overdraft budget, you may not be able to apply for a new cash installment.
Secondly, regarding the repayment method, there are usually the following repayment methods to choose from after the credit card cash installment:
1. Installment: This is the most common and simple way. According to the regulations of the bank, after confirming the goods or services to be purchased and crediting them accordingly, you can choose to divide the total payment amount into several equal fixed months (generally 6, 12, 24 months) for repayment.
2. Equal interest: In this mode, you need to repay the same amount of arrears every month, and pay the average principal and interest every month before the principal and interest expire. This repayment method is usually suitable for larger installments and helps you plan your cash flow better.
3. Interest before capital: Contrary to equal interest, interest before capital means that you only need to pay interest for a period of time (such as three months or six months) without repaying the principal. After reaching the agreed time, the remaining loan amount needs to be returned in one lump sum.
4. Flexible payment: Some banks offer more flexible and diversified repayment options. For example, you can adjust the monthly payment at any time according to your own situation, and repay all or part of the arrears in advance without handling fees.
That's all that Bian Xiao brought to you. Through reasonable planning of consumption, detailed understanding of various policies and regulations, and timely repayment, we can better use the cash installment function of credit cards and maintain a good personal credit record.