The people's court shall not freeze the bank deposits and other funds of the person subjected to execution for more than six months, seal up or detain movable property for more than one year, seal up immovable property for more than two years, and freeze other property rights for more than two years.
Anti-fraud is a service to identify fraud, including transaction fraud, network fraud, telephone fraud, card theft and number theft. Online anti-fraud is an indispensable part of Internet finance. Common anti-fraud systems include: user behavior risk identification engine, credit information system, blacklist system and so on.
Bank card refers to a credit payment tool issued by commercial banks, including postal financial institutions, with all or part of the functions of consumer credit, transfer settlement, cash deposit and withdrawal, etc. Bank card reduces the circulation of cash and checks, which makes the banking business break through the limitation of time and space and undergo fundamental changes. The application of bank card automatic settlement system makes the dream of "no cheque, no cash society" come true.
legal ground
Measures for the administration of bank card business
Article 16 Management authority and approval procedures of bank cards
(1) Commercial banks shall formulate unified articles of association or business management measures according to the provisions of the People's Bank of China on strengthening internal control and authorizing credit management, and report them to the head office of the People's Bank of China for approval. If the head office of a commercial bank is not in Beijing, it should first report to the local central branch of the People's Bank of China, and after examination and approval, the branch of the People's Bank of China will forward it to the head office of the People's Bank of China for approval.
(2) Commercial banks that have started credit card and transfer card business may apply to the People's Bank of China for issuing joint/identity cards, special cards and stored-value cards; Commercial banks offering RMB credit card business may apply to the People's Bank of China for issuing foreign currency credit cards.
(3) Commercial banks should report to the head office of the People's Bank of China for approval when issuing joint cards, IC cards and stored-value cards that are common in the whole country.
(4) When a branch of a commercial bank handles the bank card business approved by the head office of the People's Bank of China, it shall file with the local People's Bank of China with the approval document of the People's Bank of China and the authorization document of the head office. The special cards and co-branded cards used in the distribution area of branches of commercial banks shall be reported to the central branch of the local People's Bank of China for the record with the authorization document of the head office of the commercial bank and the agreement between the two parties.
(5) A commercial bank shall report to the People's Bank of China for approval if it changes the name of its bank card or modifies its articles of association.