If you lose your credit card, you cannot cancel it because the money on the card has not been paid off yet. You can only report the loss. After reporting the loss, the credit card center will mail you a new card. If you really want to cancel the account, just wait until you receive the card and pay off all the money in the card. The credit card center will confirm that you have paid off all the outstanding balances and will cancel the account for you. \x0d\ 1. After canceling the credit card, please cut off the magnetic stripe of the card and dispose of it properly. \x0d\ 2. After logging out, you can still log in to online banking to view your account information, and the original card can still receive repayments or refunds. Please pay attention to whether the credit card debt has been paid off. \x0d\ 3. If you want to activate the use of a credit card in the future