Common installments include credit card installments, Huabei installments, etc. The following are the calculation formulas for the two types of installment payments:
1. Credit card installments
Credit card installment payment charges a handling fee instead of interest. Credit card installment handling fee = credit card installment amount * monthly installment rate * number of installments
2. Huabei installment payment
Huabei is a credit card installment service. Huabei installment fee = Huabei installment amount * monthly installment rate * number of installments
3. Installment interest calculation case
Huabei repays 1,000 yuan in 3 installments. The total interest for the 3 installments is 1,000*2.5=25 yuan. The amount payable in each installment is 1,000/3 25/3=341.6 yuan
Credit card 1,000 yuan points 6 installments, the total interest of 6 installments is 1000*0.6*6=36 yuan, the amount payable in each installment is 1000/6 36/6=172.6 yuan