If you have a bank card starting with 623058, but the card number is incomplete, you can directly call Ping An Bank's customer service phone number 955 1 1 and ask the staff to check the complete card number for you after providing personal identification information. In addition, the card numbers starting with 622 155, 622 156, 528020, etc. It is also a card of Ping An Bank of China.
First, the amount of Ping An Credit Card
Ping An Bank, a joint-stock commercial bank controlled by China Ping An Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd., has developed very rapidly in recent years, and many popular cards have been introduced, so many people will apply for credit cards at Ping An Bank. The credit cards launched by Ping An Bank have different grades, and different grades have different credit limits. There are mainly three grades of Puka, Gold Card and Platinum Card, among which the amount of Puka is generally between 3000- 1 000 yuan; The amount of gold cards is usually around 6,543,800+0,000 to 50,000 yuan; As for platinum cards, the amount is mostly more than 50,000 yuan. In addition, the applicant's comprehensive qualifications are different, and the credit card quota approved by the bank will be different. If two people with different qualifications apply for the same Ping An credit card, the one with better qualifications will generally have a higher approval amount. Of course, the credit card limit is not fixed. As long as you spend normally in the process of using the card, repay on time and make a good record of repayment with the card, the bank will help you raise the amount.
Second, how to restore the safe limit?
1. Repay on time. After Ping An Bank's credit card was downgraded, users continued to use it normally and repaid it on time. This is conducive to the credit card to restore the line. Users should pay attention to the fact that there must be no overdue. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to restore quotas.
2. Frequent large consumption. No matter where you are, as long as you support credit card swiping. Users try to use credit cards, especially when making some large purchases. Let banks see that users have capital needs, which is also conducive to recovery after restoration.
3. Don't use the minimum repayment amount. In addition to overdue reduction, users often use the minimum repayment amount, which may also be reduced. Therefore, after the user's Ping An credit card is downgraded, do not use the minimum repayment amount. Because it is easy to be recognized by banks as weak repayment ability.
4. Minimize the number of cash withdrawals. Credit cards can not only meet the daily consumption expenses of users, but also have the function of withdrawing cash. As far as the cash withdrawal amount is concerned, it is usually 50% of the total amount. However, users had better not withdraw cash frequently, because if the number of withdrawals is too much, it is likely to be judged as a shortage of funds by the bank, which is very unfavorable for credit card recovery.