Generally, credit cards have annual fees, but in order to attract cardholders to use credit cards for consumption, banks often introduce corresponding annual fee-free policies. Most bank credit cards are charged based on the number of card swipes or purchases. The annual fee is waived when the consumption amount reaches the standard. However, different banks have different annual fee exemption regulations for credit cards. What are the conditions for annual fee exemption for CCB credit cards? Let’s find out together.
What are the conditions for annual fee exemption for CCB credit cards?
The conditions for annual fee exemption for different levels of CCB credit cards are different. Often, the higher the credit card level, the lower the annual fee exemption conditions. The requirements will be higher.
1 China Construction Bank regular and gold credit cards: Those who make more than 3 card transactions per year can be exempted from the annual credit card fee;
2 China Construction Bank Standard Platinum Card: 10 or more card transactions per year. The above can be exempted from the annual credit card fee for the current year;
3 Construction Bank Titanium Platinum Card: 6 or more card transactions per year can be exempted from the annual fee for the current year.
It should be noted that not all credit cards can enjoy the annual fee exemption policy. Credit cards with high-end exclusive benefits such as car cards, UnionPay version of family favorite credit cards, high-end credit cards, etc. are not exempt from the annual fee policy. It's free. Generally, high-end credit cards include Global Supreme Card, Diamond Card, and Exclusive Platinum Card.
In addition, for credit cards that can be exempted from annual fees, if the consumption does not meet the standard and has already incurred annual fees, the cardholder only needs to recharge 5 times within three months of the annual fee, and the annual fee will be paid. It will be automatically refunded to the credit card account before the end of the next month after the number of recharges is met.