In fact, not everyone can apply for a credit card. If some people who do not meet the conditions want a credit card, they can only find relatives to help them get an additional card. The most common people who cannot apply for the main card are those who are not eligible for the card, such as those under 18 years old or over 65 years old; those who do not have a regular job, such as housewives, freelancers, etc., and those who do not meet the conditions for applying for the card. situation.
So who can apply for a credit card supplementary card?
Generally, credit card supplementary cards can only be applied for the cardholder's immediate family members. Some banks have specific requirements, such as requiring that it can only be applied for parents, spouses and children. Of course, if the application is for the cardholder’s boyfriend or girlfriend, there won’t be a big problem.
In addition, banks also have some age restrictions on applicants for supplementary cards. For example, some banks require credit card holders to only apply for relatives over the age of 16. People under the age of 16 are not allowed to apply. Credit card supplementary card.