Hello, in that case, the credit card should show the balance you should have paid last month. Don't worry, your credit card has been returned. However, if your credit report still shows that you still owe money, then as far as I know, there may be two reasons: First, your credit card unpaid record is regarded as overdue by the bank, and you are included in the credit information system. Bad credit information will be kept in your credit report for five years. As long as you don't have any bad credit problems such as loan repayment within five years, it will be eliminated automatically. Second, because your credit card has an excess deposit of 100 yuan, you can't cancel the card normally, resulting in bad debts. This is the most deadly thing. Take out the excess deposit as soon as possible and cancel the card. Third, the bank made a mistake and didn't clean up your paid debts. It may be the negligence of the bank staff or the fault of the banking system. You can bring your ID card and proof that the credit card has been paid off to the business hall or branch of the bank where the credit card belongs to find a counter staff to handle it. Unpaid credit cards mainly have the following hazards, which will have a great impact on your future work, study and life, as follows: 1. If you fail to pay credit cards, you will have a penalty interest, with a daily interest rate of five ten thousandths and a monthly compound interest; 2. Bear the penalty, and charge 5% of the unpaid part of the minimum repayment amount;
3. Suffering from being collected by text messages, telephone calls, etc. If outsourced to a collection company, you may encounter violent collection;
4. Personal credit information is tainted, and it is no longer possible to apply for loans from formal financial institutions or apply for credit cards;
If the amount is too large, you may face litigation.