If you maliciously fail to repay the loan within the time limit, not only will the loan for buying a house and a car be restricted, but going abroad and looking for a job will be affected, and the credit of your spouse may also be affected. There is such a provision about credit card crime in criminal law: if the overdraft exceeds the prescribed limit or term, and the card issuer fails to return it for more than 3 months after two collections, it is characterized as malicious overdraft. Malicious overdraft of not less than 1, but not more than 1,, if it is determined to be relatively large, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention; 1, to 1 million, a huge amount, shall be sentenced to imprisonment of not less than 5 years but not more than 1 years.
China Bank Card Industry Self-discipline Convention stipulates that the overdue repayment of credit cards will be delayed for up to 3 days. If the repayment difference is within 1 yuan, no penalty interest will be charged, and no bad records will be generated during the extension. Generally, the overdue repayment of a credit card is no more than 3 times. You can apply for a credit card with a small amount, or you can borrow a loan with a high interest rate. If it is overdue for more than 6 times and fails to pay it back once, it will be blacklisted by the personal credit information system of the People's Bank of China. It is very difficult to apply for credit cards and loans on this list.
Therefore, it is recommended that you swipe your own card abroad, and pay back on time no matter where you are, so as not to damage your personal credit.