If an individual has a bad credit record due to credit card repayments or annual fees, as long as he is sincere and proactively contacts the bank to explain the reasons and take appropriate remedial measures, the bank will usually help the customer eliminate the bad credit. Record.
However, you need to grasp the time in this process. Generally, if the credit card is overdue, it is best not to exceed 90 days. If it exceeds this period, it may be reported to the central bank's personal credit system database, so It would be much more difficult.
If you want to eliminate bad credit card records, another way is to eliminate negative records and their impact based on the credit record refresh coverage system. Since credit card records basically only show the records of the last twenty-four months, It is difficult to check past records, so when there is a negative credit card record, do not cancel the card, even if the bank pursues you or even urges you to cancel the card.
As long as repayments are made on time in the next two years and no new bad records appear, the original negative credit record will be overwritten and a good credit record will be re-formed, so that there will be no It will have a negative impact on credit behavior.
If you are not overdue for more than 90 days, you should not be applied to the central bank's personal credit system. Therefore, don't cancel the card, repay the loan first, and try to create a good information record within one year, and you will be fine. .