2. When you apply for a loan when you buy a house, you will check your credit card. Mainly because when making a mortgage, the bank will check the borrower's credit report, which contains the borrower's credit card information and loan information. If the borrower's credit card is overdue, it will affect the mortgage processing. Therefore, it is recommended to maintain your good repayment habits when using credit cards, otherwise it will be more difficult to apply for a mortgage in the future.
Because once the overdue records are generated, you need to pay off the arrears, and then wait for five years, and the overdue records will be automatically deleted. During the existence of overdue records, borrowers may be refused various loans.
Matters needing attention when buying a house
1, buyers must first understand the ownership of the house they buy. Houses with unclear ownership or unresolved property rights disputes must be treated with caution when purchasing, and it is best not to buy them.
2. When comparing prices, we must first find out the reserve price of each item, and some are "opening price", which is the reserve price; Some are "average prices"; Some are "higher prices"; Some are complete sets of prices, and some are interior construction area prices. The main thing is to find out (or convert) the actual price of the selected house, because these prices are very different, and not knowing will affect your judgment.
3. Location and environment The environment in which the house is located directly affects the convenience of life and the income of the house.
4. The contract shall clearly stipulate the performance period, liability for breach of contract, compensation for breach of contract, etc. , so as to avoid the delay in delivery of commercial housing and compensation disputes due to funds or other reasons.
5. Qualification examination of house purchase According to the relevant regulations of the state, the seller should show the "five certificates" and "two books" of the property construction when buying a house. Five certificates, namely, Construction Land Planning Permit, Construction Project Planning Permit, Building Construction Permit, State-owned Land Use Certificate and Commercial Housing Sales (Pre-sale) Permit, are referred to as "five certificates of real estate". "two books", namely "residential quality guarantee" and "residential instruction manual"
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