Credit card collection Therefore, it is recommended that you must return the loan immediately after it is overdue. It is very normal for credit cards to be collected at home. Because when you borrow a credit card, you will fill in your detailed address, so it is inevitable that someone will come to collect money and not pay it back. But what everyone needs to know is that it will not only collect money at home, but also directly sue if the situation is serious, which is also a very dangerous thing. If your credit information is blacklisted in the future, your child may not be able to take the civil service exam again.
The blacklist is terrible. Even their children have good academic performance and the school is excellent. But when looking for a job, if the company finds the father or mother of the child during the investigation. If you are suspected to be Lao Lai, the company will probably refuse. Therefore, we must understand that the blacklist of loans will not only affect ourselves, but also affect the children's future. Just like the parents of some stars, after being exposed as Lao Lai, these stars were spurned by netizens on the Internet.
I didn't encounter this situation when I paid back the money on time, because Bian Xiao didn't borrow a credit card, and even if I borrowed a credit card, I would still pay it back on time. I believe that people usually don't spend too much money on credit cards, so I suggest you return these small money on time, so that your credit will be blacklisted.