1. When you renew your credit card, you do not need to provide your ID card. The bank will automatically generate a new card 20 days before your card expires, and will send the new card to the bank you registered before. Billing address. (If you change your address, please notify the bank one month before the card expires and update and register the new address)
2. If you still want to continue using CITIC’s credit card, don’t worry about it. , a new card will be issued to you. If you no longer want to use it, you can just call the customer service hotline to cancel.
3. If you cancel your previous card, you can use your new ID card to apply for a new CITIC credit card (but it may not be approved. The bank will review your information in accordance with regulations. If you meet the conditions for card approval, will be approved).
4. If you have any questions, please contact me directly and I will help you answer them.