If the bookkeeping date is 17, the due repayment date is the 5th of the following month.
If the due repayment date is 23rd, the bookkeeping date is 5th. So I need you to confirm the date and due date of your bill first.
The consumption on the bill date depends on the settlement time of the merchant. Under normal circumstances, the merchant will settle the account on the second day of your consumption, so the consumption on the bill date will appear on the next bill and enjoy the longest interest-free period. However, if the merchant settles the bill in time and settles on the same day, the consumption on the billing date will be on the current bill and enjoy the shortest interest-free period. Subject to the bill display.
If you have any other questions, I suggest you consult "Customer Service Online" /cmu/icslogin.aspx? from = B& amp; Logincmu=0. Thank you for your attention and support!