If a credit card has repayment, it can be considered as having the willingness to repay and will not be illegally occupied. But in fact, it also needs specific analysis, such as the amount of repayment, the amount of loan, how to repay, and the reasons for maturity. , as follows:
1, whether the loan principal reaches 50,000 yuan, and if it does, it is close to malicious overdraft.
2, how to repay, overdue repayment, not this month, not next month, can not show integrity, must be repaid every month.
3. The repayment amount, if the loan is large, only means 1200 yuan per month. If the monthly interest is not enough, it is almost negligible, and it is estimated that it will not be paid for a lifetime.
4. Reasons for overdue: Some people have the ability to repay, but deliberately overdue. It is illegal to obtain funds through jackets. If there is repayment after maturity, it is difficult to rule out the suspicion of malicious overdraft.