You cannot pay the down payment with a credit card. First of all, when you take out a loan to buy a house, the bank will usually check the source of the down payment. If you pay the down payment with a credit card, you can check it at once. It is illegal to use a credit card to pay the down payment, and the mortgage will not be approved. In addition, credit cards can be checked as liabilities. If there are too many liabilities, it may lead to the failure of the mortgage loan.
What are the reasons for mortgage rejection
1. Malicious overdue payment
If the borrower has the habit of using credit cards, then he needs to pay attention to it, which may cause There are many situations where credit cards are overdue, such as individuals not understanding the bank's repayment date regulations, staff not clearly informing them of the repayment date, etc. If the borrower applies for a student loan during college and fails to repay the loan on time after graduation, it will also be counted. In the overdue situation. If the cardholder intentionally overdrafts within the time limit and limit for the purpose of illegal possession and refuses to return the card after being called by the card-issuing bank, it is considered an overdue act in bad faith.
2. Records of credit reports being queried many times
I don’t know if everyone knows that personal credit reports cannot be queried frequently. If the borrower’s credit report is queried within a period of time, 3 or 4 times or more, but it shows that no new loan or credit card application has been obtained, it may mean that "I have applied for loans or credit cards from many banks but failed". Such information may be detrimental to obtaining new loans or applying for credit cards. Influence.
3. Guarantee huge debts for others
If the borrower plans to take out a loan to buy a house, it is best not to guarantee huge debts for others. When guaranteeing for others, you should also It depends on your own ability. It must not exceed your own ability, and you cannot use your own real estate and other daily necessities as collateral. It is best to write it as a "general guarantee" in the contract, otherwise, you may bring yourself a huge debt.
4. The income does not meet the requirements of the loan bank
When the bank reviews the borrower's information, it will evaluate the borrower's income. The bank will require proof of income. Usually the income is related to The relationship between mortgages can be expressed by the following formula: monthly income = monthly mortgage payments Got turned away by the bank.
5. The borrower is engaged in a high-risk occupation
The borrower’s occupation also needs to be considered by the bank when approving the mortgage loan. If the borrower is engaged in the fields of teachers, doctors, finance, etc. People who are engaged in high-risk industries such as high-altitude operations, hazardous chemicals, and the fireworks and firecrackers industry will have a higher score. The bank considers that the lives of these people are in danger at any time and cannot guarantee repayment of loans on time. In order to avoid risks, banks refuse to provide loans for These people take out loans.