If the credit card repayment limit does not match the bill, you can call the bank customer service for consultation and verification.
1. Credit cards generally have a grace period of three days after the repayment date. Repayment within the grace period is deemed to be repayment on time;
1. If the payment is paid in full, no charges will be incurred. Any fees;
2. If you pay the minimum repayment amount, the daily interest will be calculated at 0.05;
2. If the repayment exceeds the grace period or the repayment amount is less than the minimum amount stipulated by the bank The repayment amount is considered overdue, and the daily interest rate is 0.05, and the interest is calculated from the accounting date. In addition, a late payment fee of 5% of the unpaid portion of the minimum repayment amount is charged on a monthly basis.
In view of the large number of inquiries in some areas, the Chongqing Business Management Department of the People's Bank of China has als