It is best to apply for a platinum credit card after you already have one or more credit cards, and you need to have good experience with the card before you can apply, because the overdraft amount of platinum credit cards is generally relatively high, and it can Enjoy a variety of preferential services. According to the regulations of the Bank of Communications, there are the following requirements for applying for a platinum credit card:
1. Ward customers of the Bank of Communications can directly apply for a platinum credit card
Second, customers with assets of RMB 500,000 to RMB 1 million can be granted a quota of RMB 60,000 to RMB 150,000
Third, customers with assets of RMB 1 million to RMB 2 million can be granted a quota of RMB 100,000 to RMB 300,000
Fourth, those with assets of more than 2 million can be granted a quota of 100,000 to 500,000
I don’t know how much the owner’s assets are. In addition, platinum credit cards also have high requirements for providing high-quality services. The annual fee for platinum cards is one 2000 per year. Cardholders are required to use the card with an amount exceeding 300,000 within a year to be exempted from the annual fee. This annual fee will be charged on the customer's first billing date, with a 10% discount in the first year. After collection, 100 yuan will be refunded to the credit card on the second billing date.
I hope my answer can help you!