Credit reports will detect borrowed money if a credit card is used and the bill is not issued, and a loan is found in the credit report if a credit card is used but the bill is not issued, mainly because credit card consumption is essentially a borrowing behavior. . When you use a credit card to make a purchase, the bank will advance the amount and then charge you the loan on the statement date. Therefore, even if no bill is issued, your credit card consumption record will appear as a loan on your credit report. In addition, according to my country's "Regulations on the Administration of the Credit Reporting Industry", credit reporting agencies should objectively, truly and accurately record credit information related to personal information subjects. Credit card consumption records are part of your credit information, and credit bureaus have the right to record and display this information. In short, unpaid bills generated by credit cards will be found as loans in the credit report, because credit card consumption is essentially a borrowing behavior, and the credit agency will record and display this credit information. When using a credit card, please pay attention to repaying it on time and maintaining a good credit record.