firstly, whether creditors are willing to take legal action is an important factor. For a small amount of debt, creditors may prefer to take other ways to recover the debt, such as through a collection agency or negotiating with the debtor to reach a repayment agreement.
Secondly, the debtor's repayment ability and willingness will also affect whether he will be prosecuted. If the debtor shows a willingness to repay the loan voluntarily and can fulfill the repayment obligation according to the agreement, the creditor may avoid taking legal action.
finally, there may be differences between the local laws and the courts. Laws and courts in different regions may deal with small credit card arrears differently. Some places may prefer to solve such disputes through legal channels, while others may prefer to seek other solutions.
to sum up, credit card arrears below 1, may be prosecuted, but it may not. Whether it will be prosecuted depends on the will of the creditor, the repayment ability and willingness of the debtor, and the local laws and the handling methods of the court.
Extended information: Whether credit card arrears below 1, will be prosecuted depends on other factors, such as the debtor's historical credit record, the creditor's company policy and the local legal environment. Some banks or financial institutions may prefer to reach a repayment agreement through negotiation with debtors rather than taking legal action immediately. Nevertheless, in the case of serious default or breach of contract, creditors may choose to sue the debtor to recover the arrears. Therefore, the debtor should always keep in touch with the creditors and strive to fulfill the repayment obligation, so as to reduce the risk of being sued.