Hello dear! If a credit card of RMB 10,000 is overdue for 4 years, pay back 10,000 × 1.5 = 150 × 48 = 7,200 10,000 = 17,200 yuan. 1. How to calculate overdue fees for credit cards? Overdue fees include overdue penalty interest and liquidated damages. 1. Bank penalty interest All consumption amounts in the current bill will be charged interest at a rate of 0.05 (5,000) from the second day when the card is swiped until it is paid off. 2. If the cardholder fails to repay the minimum repayment amount of the previous period's bill before the due payment date (inclusive), a corresponding penalty of 5% of the unpaid portion of the minimum repayment amount will be charged according to the "Bank Credit Card Regulations" The liquidated damages shall be charged at least RMB 10 yuan or USD 1 yuan. 2. What will be the consequences of an overdue credit card? 1. Overdue payment will not only have a late payment fee of 5% on the minimum unpaid portion, but also a penalty interest on the full amount of the bill (daily interest rate of 0.5%, interest will be calculated starting from the day of consumption. 2. Interest will be charged monthly until the principal and interest are paid. until it is repaid) will also produce a bad credit record in the Credit Reference Center of the People's Bank of China. It will be difficult to apply for credit cards and bank loans within 5 years. 3. If you are overdue for more than three months or fail to repay more than two bank reminders, the bank will freeze your card and list you as a prohibited customer (blacklist). At the same time, you will be sued for credit card fraud and malicious overdraft, and the court will enforce it.