1. Prerequisite: HK$ 3,500 should be paid before the internship.
2. Internship: It used to be "brainwashing". The person who took you in the past always accompanied you, and followed you when you went to the toilet!
3. Itinerary: Hong Kong for 3 days and 2 nights+Mainland 1 day and 2 nights.
A determined person like me dozes off after being brainwashed, and the person who takes you has been forbidden to sleep. . . You must say this MMP sentence, then go back to the mainland by car on the third night, stay in a 5-star hotel for you, and then continue to take brainwashing classes 1 day, during which all kinds of "them" were like before and now! The purpose is to buy their things and join them, and then continue to pull people in!