As long as a person is honest, others will appreciate him, respect him, get close to him, and help him when he is in trouble. Otherwise, people will not trust him.
Yan Shu, a poet in the Northern Song Dynasty, was recommended to the emperor as a child prodigy when he was fourteen years old. The emperor summoned him and asked him to take the exam at the same time as more than a thousand Jinshi. As a result, Yan Shu discovered that the exam was one he had just practiced ten days ago, so he truthfully reported it to Zhenzong and requested that other questions be changed. Song Zhenzong admired Yan Shu's honest character very much and gave him "the same background as a Jinshi". When Yan Shu was in office, the world was at peace. As a result, officials of all sizes in the capital often went to the countryside to play or held various banquets in restaurants and teahouses in the city. Yan Shu's family was poor and he had no money to go out to eat, drink and have fun, so he had to read and write articles at home with his brothers. One day, Zhenzong promoted Yan Shu to the East Palace official who assisted the prince in his studies. The ministers were surprised and didn't understand why Zhenzong made such a decision. Zhenzong said: "Recently, the ministers often go out to play and have banquets. Only Yan Shu studies behind closed doors. He is so self-respecting and prudent that he is a suitable candidate for the East Palace official." After thanking Yan Shu, he said: "I am actually a person who likes to play and have banquets. It's just my family. It's just poverty. If I had money, I would have participated in the banquet." These two things established Yan Shu's credibility in front of the officials, and Song Zhenzong also trusted him more. Yan Shu's honest quality is worth learning from. He has gained people's trust with his precious quality of honesty.
As the saying goes; once a word is spoken, it is difficult to catch up with it, even if it is hitched to a four-horse chariot, it is difficult to catch up with it, so we must mean what we say.
Integrity is important in all aspects, including business, work, life, and making friends. People need integrity to maintain relationships; businesses need integrity to maintain their own livelihoods and maintain cooperation with other companies. Integrity can make others have a good impression of you, and integrity can also improve your career and life. Integrity can be small enough to improve your body and mind, or big enough to make you famous in one fell swoop. Integrity can help you achieve success in your career and happiness in life.
Integrity is not only about words, but also about actions. To learn integrity, you must also learn to be cautious. You cannot confess to others bad things about yourself or others. An honest heart also requires caution, caution about others, and when others Also be careful when trusting yourself. Integrity requires perseverance, and only perseverance will improve. There is an idiom called doing a good deed every day, and we must also be honest every day. Only perseverance can we maintain our constant moral character. In honesty, we can improve our body and mind and hone ourselves. Endurance, isn’t this the best of both worlds?
Integrity means being honest and trustworthy. A trustworthy person will often be accepted by others. Honesty requires courage and prudence, and credit requires persistence and perfection. Only by doing this can you be a completely honest person.
The most basic point of integrity is not to deceive others or keep promises. A person without integrity has lost his moral character and is a mentally and physically unhealthy person. He not only hurts himself, but also hurts others. It can be said that They are liars. Not only do such people lose the trust of others, they also cannot gain a foothold in society. It is difficult for such people to make close friends. No matter where we are, we must have integrity.
Integrity needs to withstand temptation. No matter how big the benefit is, do not do anything that violates integrity. If you do it, it will have a great impact on your future. Compared with no integrity, integrity is much better. Since integrity is good, why should we choose no integrity?
Integrity has become an indispensable virtue in this society. Integrity can improve ourselves. It is good for ourselves and others. It can win trust, win favor, win career improvement, and win success in life. progress, which is much better than having no integrity. Understand integrity, do it well, improve your body and mind, and benefits will flow. In other words, integrity is a blessing.
Expecting integrity is the eternal chant of Li Bai's "The Peach Blossom Pond is a thousand feet deep, not as deep as Wang Lun's love for me"; expecting integrity is the simple and pure friendship and feelings of the great Marx and Engels; expecting integrity is the result of a series of failures Finally, the pairs of warm hands extended by friends; the expectation of integrity is the gentle smile of the boss when he still puts the goods in your hands and sends you out when you forget to bring money when shopping; the expectation of integrity is the smile from a century-old The bills owed by the store are the thick credit cards in people’s hands today.
Because we look forward to integrity, integrity takes root in the hearts of those simple and beautiful people. The hustle and bustle of the market and the bright shadow of neon lights cannot drown out her brilliance.
Because of his integrity, Lin Xiangru held the Heshi Bi in his hand and made an impassioned speech in the palace of the King of Qin. He was well aware of the insidiousness and greed of the King of Qin, but for the promise of returning the jade to Zhao intact, he bravely defended the interests of the country and That immortal contract deep in one’s soul.
Because of his integrity, Song Jiang, who "cannot bring peace to the country with words and cannot conquer the people with force", was able to sit on the top spot in the Juyi Hall and fly the banner of justice for heaven.
It is also because of the good faith agreement with the broad masses of the people that the microwaves in Jiaxing Nanhu finally merged into huge waves, and the sparks at the top of Jinggang Mountain finally merged into raging fire, sweeping across the ancient land of China.
Let us light up the bright light in our hearts and look forward to honesty. Let honesty be the warm sunshine in front of the window in the morning. Let honesty be the bird singing in your ears. Let honesty be your heart when you are cold. The red fire around you makes integrity a green shade above your head under the scorching sun.
Let us set up ideal sails and look forward to integrity. Let integrity be like a small match, lighting up a heart; like a small green leaf, pouring over a season; like a small flower. The waves splash up the entire ocean, like a long wooden stick, prying up the entire earth...
Let us be full of hope in life and look forward to integrity, let integrity become the criterion of our life, and let ourselves have a sense of integrity The practice of integrity will inspire the soul, let life get a free breath because of integrity, and paint a bright color on one's personality.
Light up a heart lamp, we all look forward to integrity, so that the world will be full of spring and colorful because of integrity!