There are fewer credit cards that can withdraw 100%. Xi Cai Jun knows that there is a Young card of China Merchants Bank, and the withdrawal ratio of this credit card is 100%, while the highest withdrawal ratio of other credit cards of China Merchants Bank is only 50%. The most important thing is that the first withdrawal every month is free. Domestic cash withdrawal, (1)ATM cash withdrawal-withdraw RMB cash from our ATM or other bank ATMs with UnionPay logo. (2) Cash withdrawal at the counter-RMB cash is withdrawn at the counters of branches of the Bank with the card and password.
In addition to the handling fee, CCB's credit card overdraft withdrawal also pays interest and does not enjoy interest-free treatment. The cash interest will be collected from the date of your overdraft withdrawal, with a daily interest rate of 0.5 ‰ and monthly compound interest.