Generally speaking, a credit card will be credited after it is overdue, and it will always be in your personal file. So once it is overdue, will it be reported immediately? Actually, no, most banks will provide you with time tolerance service. China Banking Association has published the revised "China Bank Card Industry Self-discipline Convention", in which it is mentioned that from 20 13, 1, banks should provide credit card holders with tolerance and time tolerance services, and banks should remind them three days before the due repayment date of credit cards.
Credit card ability, that is, the bank provides cardholders with a certain period of repayment grace period service, and the repayment grace period is at least 3 days from the due repayment date; If the cardholder repays within the repayment grace period, it is deemed that the cardholder repays on time. But if you don't pay back the money after the grace period, it is likely to be uploaded to the personal credit information system. Credit card tolerance, that is, the cardholder fails to repay in full in the current period, and the unpaid part in the account after the due repayment date is less than or equal to a certain amount (at least equivalent to RMB 10 yuan), it is deemed that the cardholder has repaid in full, and the unpaid amount will be automatically transferred to the next bill. For example, your bill is 100.0 1 yuan, and you didn't see two decimal places because of your bad eyes. You only paid 100, and you owe the bank 0.0 1. Then it can be regarded as full repayment, and 0.0 1 yuan will be automatically transferred to the next bill.
Due to the different operating conditions of different banks, they provide users with different time-tolerant services. Next, I will give you a brief introduction to the time tolerance of major banks. ICBC: The tolerance amount is only a penalty interest on the unpaid part, and there is no tolerance period. Bank of China: the tolerance amount is 65438+ 0% of the bill amount, and the tolerance period is 3 natural days for ordinary cards and 9 natural days for platinum cards. Agricultural Bank of China: The tolerance amount is RMB 0/00 for Puka/KLOC, and 200 yuan for Gold Card and Platinum Card. The tolerance period is 2 natural days. CCB: There is no tolerance amount, and the tolerance period is 3 natural days. You need to take the initiative to apply by phone. Bank of Communications: The tolerance amount is RMB 10 yuan or equivalent foreign currency, and the tolerance period is 3 natural days. China merchants bank: the tolerance amount is RMB 10 yuan or equivalent foreign currency, and the tolerance period is 3 natural days. CITIC: The tolerance amount is RMB 10 yuan or equivalent foreign currency, and the tolerance period is 3 natural days. You need to call customer service to apply. PUFA: The tolerance amount is RMB 10 yuan or USD 2, and the tolerance period is before 22: 00 three natural days after the repayment date.