Some people don't often use credit cards. When the credit card expires, they intend to stop using it completely, simply ignore the credit card, and neither repay nor cancel it. This practice is very wrong. If you don't pay it back all the time, it will be overdue once a month, which means that you will be recorded with a bad credit record once a month. And if you don't repay for many months in a row, you will be sued by the bank and sentenced to malicious arrears. The credit history will be worse, the amount owed will drag on, and you will be fined.
If the credit card is overdue, the credit card center of the issuing bank will collect it. Because of ignorance and blind arrogance, some people not only don't pay back the money, but also "run away" by changing their addresses and mobile phone contact information, so that banks can't contact themselves, thinking that they can't help. In fact, this practice is very wrong and absolutely unacceptable. When handling a credit card, your real name information has been recorded by the bank. Once you "run away", the bank will think that you are maliciously overdrawn and will call the police. The police will list you as a wanted man.
As a credit card holder, once he can't repay on time due to unemployment, illness or other unexpected circumstances, before the deadline for repayment comes, the cardholder should take the initiative to call the bank credit card center to state his financial situation, declare that he is not maliciously in arrears, and apply for deferred repayment and interest concessions.
In view of the cardholder's positive performance and previous good credit record, banks often agree to postpone repayment, and negotiate with the cardholder the repayment plan, extension period, interest discount and monthly repayment amount acceptable to both parties. In this way, if you take the initiative to contact the bank and the bank agrees to postpone the repayment, you will not be recorded in the bad record, but it should be noted that you will be guaranteed to repay the loan as agreed in the future.
If you are usually negligent in repayment, you must repay as soon as possible, preferably in full, after you find that it is overdue. Then call the bank's credit card center to declare that there is no malice. If the past record is good and the overdue time is short, if the repayment is found to be good after the overdue, it may not be recorded in the bad record.
Don't be careless in the future. Be sure to pay attention to the bank's bill notice and collection information to avoid overdue.
Credit card repayment information will be recorded by the central bank's credit information system for 24 months, that is, the bad credit records generated by overdue credit card repayment will be kept in the credit information system for two years. If you terminate with a card, the corresponding record will not scroll, but will be saved for a long time. Therefore, after the overdue repayment of the credit card, it is best not to cancel the credit card immediately after paying off the arrears, but to insist on using the card for more than two years, during which time, to maintain a good credit, so that the bad records can be cleared from the credit information system through rolling records.