From the train number on the train ticket, you can tell whether the train you are taking is an express or a local train. Trains starting with K are express trains, with a general speed of 110-120KM/H; while slow trains only have numbers but no letters.
The expression method for trains starting with K is KX (X is one or two or three or four digits) times. The standard reading of the railway system is "fast X times". If X is If it is a two-digit number, it is read as "fast dozens of times" (for example, K85 is pronounced as "fast eighty-five times"). During its operation, express passenger trains generally only stop at prefecture-level cities or important county-level cities. A small number of direct trains. The car bottoms of express passenger trains are type 25G, 25B, 29, or 25B, etc. They are generally air-conditioned trains with a maximum speed of 120 kilometers per hour.
Extended information:
Article 11 of the "Railway Passenger Transport Regulations" The ticket face (except for special ticket types) should mainly state:
1. Issue Station and arrival station names;
2. Seat and bed differences;
3. Route;
4. Fare;
5. Train number;
6. Date of travel;
7. Validity period.
Article 12 A ticket includes a passenger ticket and an additional ticket. Passenger tickets include soft seats and hard seats. Additional tickets include expedited tickets, sleeper tickets, and air-conditioning tickets. Supplementary tickets are a supplementary part of the passenger ticket and can be sold together with the passenger ticket, but cannot be used alone except for children.
Baidu Encyclopedia - Train Tickets