Go to the bank to fill out the application form, and repay your bills on time when you usually consume. As you accumulate credit, your credit limit will increase. Then when you meet the requirements for a high-limit credit card, you can go to the bank to apply for it.
Provide sufficient information, various asset/income certificates, and a good credit record. Develop a relationship with the bank, make long-term purchases, make large deposits, etc.
Extended information:
The application method is generally by filling in a credit card application form. The content of the application form generally includes the name of the applicant, basic information, financial status or source of income, and guarantor. and its basic situation, etc. And submit certain copies of documents and certificates to the card issuing bank. The application form is accompanied by a credit card use contract. The applicant authorizes the card-issuing bank or relevant departments to investigate its relevant information, and submits a statement of the authenticity of the information, the card-issuing bank's privacy protection policy, etc., and must have the applicant's signature.
Baidu Encyclopedia - Credit Card