If you do not pay attention when swiping your credit card, you may be risk-controlled by the bank, which will lead to a reduction in credit limit. So, what are the tips for swiping Citibank credit cards?
Card swiping skills:
1. There are many types of consumer merchants
Citibank credit card holders can use credit cards to pay as much as possible in daily consumption, especially when purchasing large-scale purchases. To increase the amount of consumer spending, try to increase the types of consumer merchants. Such as shopping malls, supermarkets, gas stations, restaurants, hotels, tourism, entertainment venues, etc. It is worth noting that wholesale purchases and purchases of houses and cars will not contribute to Citibank credit card limit increases. Frequent payments for wholesale consumption are not only detrimental to improving your credit limit, but may also lead to suspicion of illegal cash out.
2. Increase the frequency of credit card swiping
Swiping your card for consumption does not mean blind consumption. To the extent that your ability allows, there is a guarantee of repayment. So try to use your card to buy things, which is a good strategy to increase your credit limit. Citibank staff said that by increasing the frequency of card swiping, customers can easily prove that the card is used frequently. At the same time, the amount of credit card swiped every month is close to the limit or exceeds the limit. This is to tell the bank that your credit card limit is indeed insufficient.
3. Spend as much as possible
The total consumption amount within six months should be at least 30 above the limit.
4. Maintain a good credit record
When using a credit card, customers should try to repay in full. The minimum repayment will affect the bank's assessment of your financial strength. Don't make late repayments. If you have a record of late repayments, banks will generally not take the initiative to raise your balance.
5. The type of merchant where the card is swiped cannot always be similar to the nature of the business scope of the company.