Is the credit card limit high in Bank of Ningbo?
The credit card limit in Bank of Ningbo is differentiated according to the credit card level. Generally, the higher the credit card level, the higher the credit card limit. When a user applies for a credit card product, the actual credit limit of the credit card is related to the credit card product applied by the user and the personal credit status.
Credit cards in Bank of Ningbo are divided into three types: Puka, Gold Card and Platinum Card, of which the credit card amount is generally less than 6,543,800 yuan; The gold card amount is generally between 15000; The amount of a platinum card is generally more than 50,000 yuan. From the classification level of credit cards, the credit line of Bank of Ningbo credit cards is quite satisfactory, which is similar to that of most bank credit cards. There is nothing particularly outstanding, but it can also meet the needs of most users.
The above is an introduction to the credit card limit in Bank of Ningbo, and I hope it will be helpful.