when you apply for a credit card, you need to fill in the contact information of the emergency contact. However, there are no strict rules on the identity of emergency contacts. Theoretically, it can be a parent, a colleague or even someone you don't know. The issuing bank shall collect the debtors themselves and their guarantors, and shall not collect the debts from any third party, and shall not use violence, coercion, intimidation or abuse to collect the debts improperly.
Legal basis: Article 686 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China
The ways of guarantee include general guarantee and joint and several liability guarantee.
if the parties have no agreement or unclear agreement on the mode of guarantee in the guarantee contract, they shall bear the guarantee liability according to the general guarantee.
Article 688
If the parties stipulate in the suretyship contract that the surety and the debtor shall be jointly and severally liable for the debts, it is a suretyship of joint liability.
when the debtor of joint and several liability guarantee fails to perform the due debt or the circumstances agreed by the parties occur, the creditor may request the debtor to perform the debt, or request the guarantor to assume the guarantee liability within the scope of its guarantee.