With the increasing popularity of credit cards, various credit cards with special functions emerge one after another. If we can't understand the special function of each credit card well and master some skills of using credit cards, our credit cards may become similar to ordinary bank savings cards, at most, adding a function that can be used in advance.
Take Ping An Bank Credit Card as an example, you can apply for two special credit cards. But if you have more than one credit card, you should know the features and functions of each card in detail. In the specific use, you can choose different credit cards according to different purposes, and the special card is special, which can not only enjoy the special card discount, but also maintain a good credit record.
2. The setting of accounting date and repayment date is skillful.
Billing date and repayment date are two very important dates for credit cards, so be sure to keep them in mind! For users with multiple credit cards, the billing date and repayment date of credit cards should be dispersed as much as possible. You can call customer service to make settings according to actual needs, so that each card can fully enjoy a longer interest-free period. As shown in Figure 2, you can record it in the form of a table and check it at any time to avoid overdue.
3. Security card
Safe use of credit cards is the key to "maintaining" good credit cards. If there is a security problem with the credit card, the interview is equal to labor. Security card mainly includes two aspects: credit card consumption security and online payment security. So keep in mind the following points to ensure the safety of using the card.
First of all, to protect personal information, try to apply for a credit card at the counter, and a copy of the ID card should indicate the purpose of use. Don't lend your card and ID card to others. When you receive a customer service call, carefully identify it and be alert to being cheated. Secondly, in ATM operation, the card should not leave the body, pay attention to the surrounding environment, prevent password leakage, and properly keep the transaction receipt.
In addition, it should be noted that we should resolutely abandon the behavior of "raising cards with cards" and try not to brush the capping machine or cash out, and it will be ok once or twice. Long-term operations will be monitored by banks, either reducing the amount or sealing the card.