The main difference between credit card cash withdrawals and credit card purchases lies in the way interest is calculated. When you use a credit card to withdraw cash, interest begins to accumulate from the day you withdraw the cash, regardless of the interest-free period. The following are some points you need to pay attention to about cash withdrawals with credit cards:
First of all, the cash withdrawal limit is usually limited. For example, if your credit card limit is 150,000, you can only withdraw up to 75,000 of it. Secondly, the daily cash withdrawal limit at ATMs usually does not exceed 2,000 yuan to ensure the safety of capital flow.
In addition, cash withdrawal operations will involve handling fees, which are usually charged at 1% of the cash withdrawal amount, with a minimum of 10 yuan. For example, if you withdraw 150,000 yuan in cash, the handling fee is 1,500 yuan. The calculation basis of interest is 50,000 yuan per day. For example, if you withdraw 150,000 yuan in cash, starting from the next day, the interest for one month will be 150,000*5/10,000*30=2,250 yuan.
Special attention needs to be paid to the repayment rules after cash withdrawal. Usually you need to repay at least the minimum repayment amount on the second month's repayment date, but interest is calculated on the full unpaid amount. This means that even if you only pay the minimum amount, you will still be responsible for the full interest on the remaining balance.
In general, there is no interest-free period for credit card cash withdrawals, and the fees and interest calculations involved are more complicated. When using a credit card to withdraw cash, be sure to understand these rules to avoid unnecessary extra expenses.